Management Liability

Insure your company and leaders with Management Liability Insurance, covering liabilities including D&O, fiduciary duties, EPL, and special crimes.

What is Management Liability Insurance?

Management liability insurance protects companies and their directors and officers. It includes coverage for D&O, fiduciary, and EPL liability. In some cases, it also offers Special Crime Insurance.

Our Management Liability experts will tailor policies to fit your business needs, whether that’s a combined limit or specific limits for each coverage line.

Why do you need Management Liability Insurance?

Startups also need management liability insurance. As your business grows, your risk of exposure increases, putting your personal assets in danger.

1/4 Suffer D&O Losses

More than 25% of private companies faced a D&O-type loss. Companies without D&O insurance paid on average $394,000 for such losses. The largest reported loss exceeded $17 million.

Employment Disputes

Around 10% of American companies face employment disputes, with costs reaching $125,000 for settlements or judgments.

The Fiduciary Equation

If your employer mishandles retirement or stock plans, you could be held personally liable and at risk of losing your assets.

Fraud Loss

Businesses lose $3.5 trillion yearly to fraud. It affects both small and large companies.

Management Liability Coverages?

Core Coverage

Management liability insurance consists of three core coverages.

Directors & Officers

D&O insurance protects company executives from lawsuits that could put their personal assets in danger. Shareholders, competitors, investors, and others might sue directors and officers for wrongful acts related to managing the business.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Companies can be sued for discrimination, firing someone unfairly, breaking a contract, and other problems related to employment. This coverage protects against those kinds of lawsuits.

Fiduciary Liability

When a company offers employee benefits, it’s responsible for their proper management and can be held liable if they are mishandled.

Specific Coverage

In some cases, companies may consider protecting losses from criminals targeting key management.

Special Crime Insurance

This policy covers losses resulting from employee kidnapping for ransom, extortion, or threats to harm individuals or property unless a ransom is paid.

Bad stuff happens.

Imagine a policy that actually covers it.

Shoot us your email and we’ll kick off a conversation to help get you a quote on the best coverage for your brand.